Thanks for taking part in Soils for Science.

We are delighted to have reached 10,000 samples logged in the APP and are working through all the samples that our citizen scientists have collected.

Once we have space in our incubators to process your soil sample, we grow cultures of the microbes in a petri dish. It takes several weeks for the microbes to grow enough to see them all.

Please enjoy the images of the samples we have processed so far, and we appreciate everyone’s patience as we work through the 10,000 samples.

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Image gallery: To view the microbes that live in S4S soil samples either search a soil sample code (ie S4S-00001), or scan the gallery and choose an image, or select one of our favourites.
Image viewing: Once open, use your mouse, trackpad, touch screen or the gallery control panel to zoom and pan. Where available, select from the micro-gallery to view all the images common to a soil sample. These include complex communities growing on different media, revealing a bewildering array of competing microbes, as well as pure microbes growing happily on their own. See if you can find evidence of the next generation of antibiotics (hint: look for one microbe pushing back another).
Search for your sample by entering your sample id, or browse all samples below.